A portfolio by Sun Chuánqí

I’m fascinated by the symbiotic relationship between design and systems. Throughout my career, I applied designs to understand, enhance, and evolve systems while also leveraging systems to organize, communicate, and simplify design. In this portfolio you will find a selection of my projects that represent the ethos of my design:

Figure out how it works, and how it looks will resolve by itself.

Most technical problems are actually people problems.

Design for a medium in the medium.

You can’t design what you can’t build.

LLM-Driven Knowledge Systems

#Human-AI interaction, #System Design, #End-user programming

Software system that not only manages but also generates knowledge

Software system that not only manages but also generates knowledge

Exploring how Large language models can revolutionize qualitative research. This project is under NDA. Limited mockups are shared here.

Knowledge System Screens

Microsoft HITS

#Human-AI interaction, #Information management and retrieval UX, #Information architecture

Concept design for HITS new user experience

Concept design for HITS new user experience

Frontend and UX lead for Microsoft’s company-wide UX research platform. This project is under NDA. Additional contexts and demos can be arranged case-by-case.

HITS Screens

Smart Interface Design Workshop

#Interaction design, #Information architecture, #Data visualization, #UI components